任玉峰,男,副主任医师,博士。医疗特长:在胸部肿瘤(肺癌,乳腺癌,食管癌),腹部肿瘤(胃癌,肠癌),头颈部癌等肿瘤综合治疗方面积累了丰富的临床经验和科研基础。擅长泌尿系统肿瘤(膀胱、前列腺、肾脏肿瘤),妇科肿瘤(宫颈癌、子宫内膜癌等)等的放射治疗。研究方向:泌尿系统肿瘤和妇科肿瘤的综合治疗。主要教育和工作经历:2008.07~2011.07 中山大学肿瘤防治中心 放疗科 住院医师2011.07 ~2017.12 中山大学附属第一医院 放疗科 主治医师2017.12~至今 中山大学附属第一医院 放疗科 副主任医师社会兼职:广东省临床医学学会肿瘤学专业委员会常务委员,广东省基层医药学会肿瘤多学科综合诊治专业委员会常务委员。专著:以第一(共一)、通信(共同通信)作者在国内外学术期刊发表论文19 篇,参与及主持多项国家自然科学基金、省科技计划、厅局级科研项目。目前承担参加科研项目情况:1. 吉西他滨(GEM)激活EB 病毒裂解性复制的分子机制研究、广东省医学科学技术研究基金项目2. DNA-PKcs 基因敲除及其抑制剂影响DNA 双链断裂非同源重组末端连接修复的研究、国自然基金委主要论著(第一/共一/通讯):(1) YuFeng Ren, YuanHong Gao, XinPing Cao,et al., 3D-CT implanted interstitial brachytherapy for T2b NPC. Radiation Oncology 2010, 5:113(2) YuFeng Ren, Yanfang Li, Jihong Liu. A modified shorten administration schedule for neoadjuvant chemotherapy with irinotecan and cisplatin in locally advanced cervical cancer. Int J Gynecol Cancer 2011;21: 685-689(3) YuFeng Ren, XinPing Cao, Jia Xu,et al.,3D-image-guided high-dose-rate intracavitary brachytherapy for salvage treatment of locally persistent NPC. Radiation Oncology 2013,8:165(4) Yan Xiong, YuFeng Ren, Jia Xu, et al.,.Enhanced external counterpulsation inhibits endothelial apoptosis via modulation of BIRC2 and Apaf-1 genes in porcine hypercholesterolemia. Int J Cardiol 2013, 11: 033(5) YuFeng Ren, QuanCheng Zhao, Hui Liu,et al.,3D-image-guided HDR-BT versus 2D HDR-BT after external beam radiotherapy for early T-stage NPC.BMC Cancer.2014, 14:894(6) Jia Xu, YuFeng Ren, Xue Xu,et al., Schistosoma japonicum tegumental protein 20.8role in reproduction through its calcium binding ability. Parasitol Res,2014,113:491–497(7) Sangang Wu, Juan Zhou, YuFeng Ren,et al., Tumor location is a prognostic factor for survival of Chinese women with T1-2N0M0 breast cancer. International Journal of Surgery 2014,12:394(8) YuFeng Ren, Huizhi Qiu, Yujie Yuan, ,et al.,Evaluation of 7th Edition of AJCC Staging System for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.Journal of Cancer.2017,8(9):1665(9) Jinning Ye, Yufeng Ren, Jianhui Chen,et al., Prognostic Significance of Preoperative and Postoperative Complement C3 Depletion in Gastric Cancer: A Three-Year Survival Investigation. BioMed Research International. 2017(2)14.(10) Li Ma, Guang, Yu Luo, YuFeng Ren, ,et al.,Concurrent chemoradiotherapy combined with enteral nutrition support: a radical treatment strategy for esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients with malignant fistulae.CJC.(2017) 36:8(11) Shaoqing Niu, Ge Wen, Yufeng Ren,et al., Predictive Value of Primary TumorSite for LocoregionalRecurrence in Early Breast Cancer Patients with One toThree Positive Axillary Lymphadenophy. Journal of Cancer 2017,(4).8(12) Jun D,Tian Z,Yufeng Ren,et al.,Inhibiting DNA-PKcs in a non-homologus end-joining pathway in response to DNA double-strand breaks.Oncotarget.2017.07.(13) Ren,YF;Ye,JN;Zhang,J,et al.,Adjuvant radiation therapy for positive lymph nodes after resection of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: Can it earn promising benefits within long-term follow-up?Annals of Oncology.(Abstract).2017:28:3:P-066(14) Ye,JN; Ren,YF; Wang,Y,et al.,The optimal application of transrectal ultrasound in staging of rectal cancer following neoadjuvant therapy: A pragmatic study for accuracy investigation. Annals of Oncology.(Abstract).2017(28):3: P-365(15) Y.Ren,J.Ye,W.Xiong,J,et al., Adjuvant radiotherapy for positive lymph nodes of oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma:can it earn promising benefits at long-term follow-up? Cancer Radiother, 2018:1278.(16) Yufeng Ren,Jinning Ye,Yan Wang,et al.,The Optimal Application of Transrectal Ultrasound in Staging of Rectal Cancer Following Neoadjuvant Therapy: A Pragmatic Study for Accuracy Investigation. Journal of Cancer 2018 (9)(17) Jinning Ye, Yufeng Ren, Zhewei Wei,et al., External validation of a modified 8th AJCC TNM system for advanced gastric cancer: Long-term results in southern China. Surgical Oncology 27 (2018) 146-153.(18) Jun Dong, Yufeng Ren , Tian Zhang,,et al., Inactivation of DNA-PK by knockdown DNA-PKcs or NU7441 impairs non-homologous end-joining of radiation-induced double strand break repair. ONCOLOGY REPORTS,2018 39: 912(19) Yujie Yuan, Jinning Ye, Yufeng Ren.Exploration of the optimal treatment regimes for Esthesioneuroblastoma: a single center experience in China. Journal of Cancer.2018;9(1): 174