杜海磊医师毕业于上海交通大学医学院,临床医学硕士。现为上海瑞金医院胸外科主治医师,瑞金临床医学院带教老师,全国执业医师考试考官,亚洲胸心外科协会会员,上海中西医结合协会胸外科专委青年委员。目前个人已发表论著二十余篇,其中英文论著六篇,肺小结节的研究先后在全国心胸外科年会及全国胸外科青年医师论坛上作大会发言交流,担任国家核心期刊《中国胸心血管外科》《临床病理》杂志青年编委,同时担任英文杂志Jounal of Thoracic Disease 的杂志审稿人,参与编写《瑞金胸外机器人手术学》一书。承担课题2项,美国临床注册试验1项。个人擅长以胸腔镜微创治疗肺部小结节、肺癌、肺大疱、手汗症、纵隔肿瘤、食管癌及贲门癌等的综合治疗,尤其是单孔胸腔镜的微创治疗。个人近期英文论著:1.HAILEI DU1*, JIAMIN CHE1*, SHIMIN MIN2,LIANGGANG ZHU1,HANGJUN BIAO1, ZHONGYUAN CHEN1 and HECHENG LI1. Beclin 1 expression associated with the occurrence and development of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Oncol Lett. 2017 Dec;14(6):6823-6828.2.Hailei Du1, Minmin Shi2, Lianggang Zhu1, Jiamin Che1, Junbiao Hang1, Zhongyuan Chen1, Hecheng Li1. Comparison of video-assisted thoracic surgery with open surgery in the treatment of ectopic mediastinal parathyroid tumors.J Thorac Dis 2017 Nov.3. Du H, Yang W, Chen L, Shen B, Peng C, Li H, Ann DK, Yen Y, Qiu W*. Emerging role of autophagy during ischemia-hypoxia and reperfusion in hepatocellular carcinoma. Int J Oncol. 2012 Jun;40(6):2049-57.4. Du H, Yang W, Chen L, Shi M, Seewoo V, Wang J, Lin A, Liu Z, Qiu W*. Role of autophagy in resistance to oxaliplatin in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Oncol Rep. 2012 Jan;27(1):143-50.5. Hailei Du, Lin Chen, Weiping Yang, Hao Chen, Mingming Shi, Varun Seewoo, Weihua Qiu*. Involvement of reactive oxygen species in Sorafenib-induced autophagy in HepG2 cells. Asian Journal of Chemistry.2012(6):2617-2621.6. Zhu L#, Du H #, Shi M, Chen Z, Hang J*. ATG7 deficiency promote apoptotic death induced by Cisplatin in human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cells. Bull Cancer. 2013 Jul-Aug;100(7-8):15-21.